ICD-11 perspectives


As of January 2022, the International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 11th Revision (ICD-11), is officially in effect, from the World Health Organization (WHO), for the national and international recording and reporting of causes of illness, death, and more. The standardized, up-to-date medical and scientific knowledge and terminology will allow for better classification of today’s health conditions.

Since 2019, the IFHIMA Board has been working to facilitate awareness and foster readiness within the global health community for the implementation of ICD-11 with articles in Global News and LinkedIn; e-mail blasts on the latest from the WHO; a whitepaper; an infographic; several podcasts from the IFHIMA co-sponsored SHIMA 2021 seminar held on 6-7 Dec 2021 and an IFHIMA Position Statement published in April 2022. There will be more to come from IFHIMA. Be sure to return to this ICD-11 landing page for updates.

Summary of the ICD-11 resources from IFHIMA


WHO resources for ICD-11

The World Health Organization (WHO) is the ultimate source for ICD-11 materials. See more WHO resources from IFHIMA.

WHO: Revision of ICD-11 – questions and answers (Q&A)

Dr Robert Jakob, team leader for Classifications Terminologies and Standards at the World Health Organization, discusses the revision of the new ICD-11. (6:09 minutes)

The WHO announces the release of the 2020 update to the WHO International Classification of Diseases (ICD) 11th Revision. View article here.

Now is the time for you to become even more knowledgeable and to step-up your organization’s planning and implementation with a deep dive into the information provided on the WHO website devoted to ICD-11.

ICD-11 PODCASTS – December 2021

This podcast series highlights the progress of ICD-11 around the globe. These podcasts are derived from updates by select countries as part of the SHIMA and IFHIMA conference December 6-7, 2021.

INFOGRAPHIC – August 2021

Plan now for ICD-11

The infographic depicts a summary of benefits and steps on the ICD-11 planning and implementation journey.

WHITEPAPER – February 2021

IFHIMA Fosters Planning for ICD-11 Adoption with Global Case Studies

IFHIMA firmly believes that ICD-11 planning and implementation can be pivotal for improving health outcomes and also supports the IFHIMA vision of  “a healthy world enabled by quality health information.”

The discussions in this whitepaper and global case studies delve into some of the specific challenges, and accomplishments to date, that countries and health information professionals may anticipate as they embark on their organizations’ journey to adopt ICD-11. Topics include benefits of ICD-11, planning, transition from ICD-10 to ICD-11, workforce development and education, language translation, field testing and implementation.


Find articles discussing ICD-11 in Global News Issues from 2021 and 2020.


Connect to IFHIMA’s LinkedInpage and Lorraine Fernandes, IFHIMA President 2019- 2022 for articles on ICD-11 that are posted periodically.