COVID-19 IFHIMA Perspectives

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated healthcare transformation with new delivery methods and an explosion of data to be managed. Explore how IFHIMA members have responded to the evolving landscape.


Please read this insightful global privacy article from Sharon Campbell (Australia), Jean Eaton (Canada), Lorraine Fernandes (USA), Dr Sabu KM (India) and Dorinda Sattler (USA).

A perspective from Turkey by authors Perihan ŞENEL TEKİN, Assist. Prof, Ankara University, Turkey, İrem ŞENSES, Lecturer, Altınbaş University, Turkey,

Lorraine Fernandes, Kerryn Butler-Henderson, and Marci MacDonald of IFHIMA share global HIM learnings.


IFHIMA is pleased to share the webcast recording from our May 2020 webcast “IFHIMA COVID-19 Survey Results.” This recording and the questions participants shared during the webcasts are a culmination of the survey work conducted in late March through mid-April 2020. We thank the IFHIMA members for their strong participation and rich comments shared. Click here to review the recording.

Goals for the COVID-19 survey:

  • Understand what potentially modified HIM practices and priorities are in our member nations, and individual member countries, in reaction to COVID 19.
  • Define differences in previous state vs current state, on a national or regional basis, if relevant and appropriate.
  • Document and review our findings based upon individual responses that will be aggregated and use quote if appropriate to add human interest and a storyline.
  • Create an IFHIMA “story” based upon the findings in an expeditious fashion, i.e., so they can be presented to the membership in May.

Webcast questions and answers

We received many excellent questions during the two webcasts, which are summarized and answered in the document here.

COVID-19 in Higher Education Literature Database (CHELD v1)

COVID-19 in Higher Education Literature Database (CHELD v1), led by IFHIMA President-elect Dr. Kerryn Butler-Henderson, has now been published in the Journal of Applied Learning and Teaching

This database is a curation of the COVID-19 higher education learning and teaching literature, allowing researchers open access to a database of over a hundred peer-reviewed manuscripts. The database will save researchers time in acquiring literature for their research, whilst ensuring their findings are informed by literature sourced from a strong methodological framework.

This international collaboration was conducted by Dr. Kerryn Butler-Henderson, Dr. Joseph Crawford, Dr. Juergen Rudolph, Dr. Karima Lalani, and Dr. Sabu K.M.

The database can be accessed at