HIMA INDIA CONFERENCE – 2019 08th and 09th Nov 2019 at

National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore, Karnataka – India


The conference was organized by HIMA India in association with National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore, Karnataka, Bangalore – India. It was inaugurated by the Director and Dean of NIMHANS (an institute of National importance).  A book which talks about managerial methods in attaining status of prominence in primitivity by Prof. Dr. G D Mogli  titled as “DR. MOGLI’S MIRROR” was released by Director NIMHANS during the opening ceremony of the conference.


HIMA INDIA CONFERENCE – 2019 focused mainly on the theme “Implementation of Unified Medical Record System with Professional Standards across the nation”.  The Conference was packed with exciting scientific session formats, a plethora of expert speakers from various states of the National and presented on timely topics.


The objective of the conference was:

  1. Presentation of scientific papers, panel discussion to enhance the knowledge of the participants.
  2. Building network among the HIM professionals
  3. Honoring Karnataka State HIM Professionals excelled in the HIM profession including Education & Execution
  4. To have annual General body meeting


About 39 renowned speakers with vast experience in HIM, IT, Healthcare management and allied fields have presented the papers on the following topics.

  1. Implementation of Unified Medical Record system
  2. Medicolegal, Health Insurance and reimbursement process and its challenges
  3. Roadmap for creating Health Information Management Centre (HIMC) For Excellence in India
  4. Why and how MRD/HIM should play a vital role in accreditation (NABH/JCI/MCI) process
  5. Future of HIM education and required skills in the 21stcentury
  6. Challenges and opportunities in Implementing E.H.R. in India
  7. Mental Healthcare Management System (MHMS)
  8. Time series pattern of AYUSH morbidity statistics

Panel Discussion: Two fascinating Panel discussions were held on topics related to the conference theme and Release of patient information by leading experts in HIM.

Participants: More than 360 participants from HIM and IT professionals, students, Doctors, Nurses, Quality assurance and administrative personnel across the country participated. All the presented articles were compiled and printed in the proceedings and distributed to the participants.

Awards and Recognition:

  • Mementos were given to all speakers, Participation certificates to all the participants.
  • Dr. G D Mogli’s Award for Professional excellence in HIM 2019 was given to four members. This award was instituted in the year 2011, and presented every year to the professionals who excelled in the HIM profession.
  • MOGLI’S MIRROR book was distributed to all the participants free of cost, cost incurred for the same was borne by HIMA India and Prof. Dr. G D Mogli.
  • Online Quize was conducted, more than 200 people participated in the quize, Top five were awarded.


Conclusion: The Conference was grand success due to the extraordinary efforts of organizing committee, all the participants applauded that “papers presented were of high standard” the same was published in the newspapers.


General Body meeting

General body meeting was held on first day of the conference, during this meeting the resolution for submission of recommendations to the Govt. of India on Road map for creating Health Information Management Centre (HIMC) For Excellence in India is unanimously approved by the HIMA India members.


Plan for Year 2020:    HIMA India 2020 conference will be held on Dec 2020 at Goa.


Submitted by:


Mr. Subhakar Medepalli

General Secretary – HIMA India

Dyp. National Director of HIMA for IFHIMA