IFHIMA Education & Training
Education and training are essential elements in meeting IFHIMA’s mission to promote the professional practice of health information management and to foster a greater worldwide awareness of this profession.
IFHIMA works closely with health professionals and educational institutions on an international level to develop printed publications and online resources, which provide diverse educational opportunities and platforms for the presentation of new research, information, and technology.
We encourage you to spend some time exploring our education and training options to assist you in your career.
The IFHIMA Body of Knowledge
The Education, Training, and Research (ETR) pillar is led by a task team comprised of 19 IFHIMA members from around the globe. The task force has two major objectives:
- Conduct a global environmental scan of the countries that offer HIM certification (position paper coming Fall 2022)
- Develop an inventory of HIM education materials from around the globe.
The committee researched several of our peer organizations to identify which are actively developing new materials that support the global HIM community. These organizations include:
American Health Information Management Association
Barbados Community College
Canadian Health Information Management Association
Health Information Management Association of Australia
Health Information Management Association India
Institute of Health Records and Information Management(UK)
Japan Society of Health Information Management
Korean Health Information Management Association
For full details about which associations are developing whitepapers, podcasts, newsletters, and other educational resources, please consult the complete IFHIMA Body of Knowledge. This reference document can help anyone looking to understand how HIM is practiced, understood, and addressing global challenges in various countries. It will be updated periodically. (Have an update? Know about a new resource? Let us know!
IFHIMA learning modules
IFHIMA developed these learning modules to provide opportunities for education and communication between persons working in the field of health records/information management around the world. Adherence to the guidelines and other information contained in the modules is completely voluntary and does not necessarily assure a successful outcome. Nor should this information be considered inclusive of all proper policies and procedures or exclusive of others reasonably directed to obtaining the same results.
IFHIMA makes no guarantee of the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information contained in the modules, and shall not be liable for any decision made in reliance on this information.
PLEASE NOTE: We thank the IFHIMA Board and dedicated volunteer HIM Professionals around the globe for their work updating the Education Modules. Updates reflect the ever-evolving health information management profession and global health care delivery, which is also in a constant state of evolution and change.
Lorraine Fernandes, RHIA
IFHIMA President 2019 – 2022
Unites States
Basic health records practice modules
Review these PDF modules at your own pace, and feel free to share them with colleagues who may benefit from the information.
- Module 1: The Health Record-From Paper to Electronic
- Module 2: Patient Identification and Master Patient (Personal) Index
- Module 3: Establishing and Managing a HIM Department/Service
- Module 4: Filing, Tracking and Retention of Health Records
- Module 5: Privacy and Security of Health Information
- Module 6: Health Classification Systems
- Module 7: Hospital and Health Record Computer Applications
- Module 8: Healthcare Statistics
- Module 9: Emerging Trends In Health Information Management
- Module 10: Introduction to Creating a Health Information Management Program
Global Academic Curricula Competencies for Health Information Professionals
In 2015, IFHIMA partnered with the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) to develop Global Health Information Curricula Competencies as an open resource to advance the profession worldwide. The final curricula competencies for Health Information Management (HIM), Health Informatics (HI), and Health Information and Communication Technologies (HICT) are now available. View the curricula competencies.
IFMRO to IFHRO to IFHIMA – An Historical Overview 1949 – 2019
IFHIMA is pleased that the Health Information Management Association of Australia (HIMAA) is offering an electronic version of this historical book. You can order an electronic copy through HIMAA.
I frequently use this book as my reference when giving IFHIMA updates and addresses to external events, as well as internal updates to our members. I hope you enjoy a trip down memory lane. My sincere thanks to Phyllis Watson, AM, Esteemed IFHIMA Past President and Honorary Member for the tireless work in creating this book. I met Phyllis on my first or second trip to Australia in about 2006 and she made an indelible impression that still follows me as I promote IFHIMA.
Lorraine Fernandes, RHIA
IFHIMA President