Members of the Japan Society of Health Information Management (JHIM) come together for a scientific meeting once a year. This year, the meeting was held on 20th and 21st September, 2018, at Toki Messe in Niigata City. The national meetings of JHIM are organized and managed by health information managers working in the local host institutions and members of the local universities or vocational schools of HIM education; at the Niigata meeting, a lot of local staffs including 196 volunteer students contributed to the meeting operation.

Under the theme of “Education and Research in Health Information Management – for Improvement of Quality and Safety in Medical Care”, a very successful Meeting was held with attendance of 1,573 people. During the Meeting, a very clear vision for the future of health information management in Japan was presented by two leaders through their lectures: “Training for the Health Information Manager who can survive the coming age – President’s thoughts” by Dr. Masaharu Yamamoto, Meeting President (President of the Niigata University of Health and Welfare), and “Expanding role of Health Information Managers” by Dr. Hiroyuki Suenaga, Chairman of JHIM (Hospital Administrator, Komaki City Hospital).

Also held were two special lectures, an education lecture, a workshop, six seminars, 258 oral sessions, and 54 student sessions (the major themes are listed below).

In Japan, ICD-10 is used in hospitals for the morbidity statistics and medical fee claim. ICD-O is used as well for cancer registration, following the implementation of the cancer registry. These International Classifications are also used for health information management in the field of education and medical environment.

At this meeting, we covered a wide variety of topics related to the International Classifications such as the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD), the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), the International Classification of Health Interventions (ICHI), and the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology (ICD-O), as listed below. As the situation surrounding health information managers is drastically changing, there was a tendency of focusing on the quality and safety of the data as one of the expanding roles of HIMs.

Offering a lot of updated information, places for open discussion, and valuable experience to the participants, the meeting proved meaningful and successfully concluded.  The next JHIM Annual Meeting is scheduled to be held in Osaka, Japan, in September, 2019.


Themes of lectures and symposium

  • Special lecture 1: Thinking about the current situation and the future of health information which connect medical care with nursing care
  • Special lecture 2: Education and research in the field of Health Information – for further advancement of health information managers
  • Education lecture: Analysis and Evaluation of ICD-11 coding tool – lessons learned from ICD-11 Field Test
  • Seminar: International Classification of Health Interventions (ICHI)
  • Workshop: Toward improvement of the accuracy of death certificate – what description should we correct? What is registered as underlying cause of death?
  • Symposium:
  1. Current status and challenges of education and research at universities and training schools that provide with HIM training courses
  2. Challenges in cancer registration – future of the training for workers at practical level, and data utilization
  3. Role of Health Information Manager for improvement of Quality and Safety in Medical Care
  • Medical Accident Investigation System
  • Checking system for diagnostic report
  1. Outlook of the ICF in health information management
  2. Past, Present and Future of the Problem-Oriented System (POS) – role of health information manager


*Note, the above presentation titles were translated by reporter and they might not necessarily correspond to the exact original Japanese titles.


Dr. Hiroyuki Suenaga, Chairman of JHIM

Dr. Masaharu Yamamoto, Meeting President

Author:  Yukiko Yokobori

Member, JHIM